"When you awaken to the fact that the cosmos is only an appearance in consciousness—the equivalent of a dream—you can begin to understand that you are the Dreamer."

"When you awaken to the fact that the cosmos is only an appearance in consciousness—the equivalent of a dream—you can begin to understand that you are the Dreamer."

The Seven Veils of Maya
Volume Two of Gems of Wisdom
In these mind-expanding essays, Shunyamurti re-interprets Greek mythology as a secret map of the Dao of Kundalini. He gives us the key to employing our life energy to activate our higher powers of consciousness through removing every layer of illusion and resistance.
But this poetic text does even more: it predicts the near-term fate of our entire world—and the ultimate destiny of our souls—and explains from a God’s-eye view the logic underlying the necessity of this event. Readers will discover the paradoxical secret of why the current catastrophic situation is essential to enable the awakened ones to morph into angels and serve in the long-prophesied universal redemption that is shockingly soon to come.

Coming Full Circle
The Secret of the Singularity
Volume One of Gems of Wisdom
The true significance of the current takedown of human life, liberty, and peace is spelled out in these poetic but hard-hitting essays on the spiritual causes of the planetary holocaust that is fully underway. More importantly, Shunyamurti shows the path to ultimate freedom and to the restoration of a healthy world in this amazing dispensation of divine intelligence.
If you are thirsty for hope and wisdom, this masterpiece of practical metaphysics provides the water of life we have been literally dying for. These electrifying jewels of wisdom grant every reader the grace of re-connection with the Source of our salvation.

The Dao of the Final Days
An Adaptation of the Dao de Jing
The world’s most beloved ancient book of wisdom—the Dao De Jing—has been a source of inspiration for thousands of years. But it needed to be adapted to offer practical guidance now, to help people face the challenges of the current unprecedented planetary state of emergency.
The wisdom of the Dao delivered here by Shunyamurti is true to the spirit of Laozi, yet offers very specific advice for dealing with the extreme situations that are accelerating globally. But a much more exalted picture of the meaning of these events is provided, unveiling the deepest mysteries of our existence, and the end-point of our collective destiny.

The Transformational Imperative
Planetary Redemption Through Self-Realization
As you read this extraordinary book, your mind will light up with insights that will change your life. You will decipher the logic underlying the current global crisis. All the ills afflicting individuals, families, social institutions, the economy, and the biological and geophysical conditions of our planet arise from a gradual degradation of our consciousness. The text also offers a new, radical spiritual path designed specifically to guide humanity to overcome this glitch and take the next leap in our evolutionary adventure. Shunyamurti, an adept teacher of the art and science of self-transformation, offers a profound vision of our potential future, and shows the way to make it happen.
The Dharma Bandhara
An Online Storehouse of Empowering Truth
The Sat Yoga Online Store is a treasure trove of life-altering knowledge, in the form of unrepeatable retreats, paradigm-shifting books, beautiful guided meditations, peerless wisdom teachings and clear answers to all questions, as well as the popular Reading the Sages audio collection.